Sunday, March 16, 2008

HIV in Mizoram

Ok..I wasn't suppose to study this. Or rather, this doesn't have anything to do with my exams. But I just couldn't flip through the pages. Some unknown but unevil (I think) force made me go through the topic for a whole one hour and apply it practically. So here I am, wasting my precious time working on a problem which had 99.99% chance of not coming in my exams.

The particular topic, although not important for my exams, is something which is worth knowing. We just have to apply the simple formula as shown below -
V= (P/T) x R, where
V= Total estimate of burden of HIV
P= Number of HIV positives
T= Number of samples tested
R= Estimated size of the population.

According to Mizoram State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), the total number of blood tested for HIV till the end of 2006 was 31,163, out of which 1,729 were found to be positives. Assuming the total population of Mizoram to be around 890000 lakhs (for easy calculation..Yes, I hate maths, or else why would I be in this profession?), we can now calculate the burden of HIV infection in Mizoram by applying the above formula.

V= (1729/31163) x 890000
= 49379.4

Since this is a rough estimate and not an exact one, a range of 20% is applied to the point estimate, so as to provide a higher and lower values on this estimate.

So, V = 39500 - 59250 of the total population of Mizoram. There you have it. Quite an enormous burden we have on our hands..Don't you think so?!!


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