With exams scheduled to be held in the first week of February, I have no other option but to start digging into my books again. It’s tough, ‘coz I usually need a couple of days to find the right rhythm, and as a result, my concentration level for the time being is freakingly low. I honestly hope and pray that this situation improves soon .
As I have mentioned earlier in my previous post, updating a blog regularly turns out to be tougher than I expected. It’s likely to get even tougher as I have switched my brain onto the ‘memorizing mode’, and have temporarily disabled the ‘thinking mode’. So even if I do make a post, it will most probably be some random thoughts scattered here and there. And yes, I am writing in English after a very long time. You see, there was a necessity, which is a secret I cannot reveal.
It is true that Mizoram has undergone tremendous development since the independence of India. From a tiny, backward and poor district of Assam, to a union territory in 1972, and in 1986 Mizoram became one of the states in the Republic of India. However, the sad fact of the matter is, Mizoram became a dependent state. Needs and wants increased, but production did not. What appears to be a great development in terms of education and material possessions in reality is what we might call a beggar’s development on the generosity of the Indian Central Government. Can Christianity steer the failure of Mizoram to a more productive and self-sufficient society? Let us hope it will.(Extracted from “The Mizos : A people transformed by the Gospel – by Rev. Dr. F. Hrangkhuma”, an article from the book “Ground works for tribal theology in the Mizo context”).
A couple of months back, I was chatting on google talk with my old buddy from Kathmandu. He gave me a link and asked me to check it out. It turned out to be a sort of an entertainment website; with lots of pictures of what I assume were Nepali models. He said, “Dude, if you want those chicks, they are easily available for a few hundred bucks”. I thought he was joking. “Come on, what’s the logic in selling your flesh for just a few measly hundred bucks while earning much more from your profession?” Then his reply was like, “Bro, except a few top ones, models out here aren’t well paid like in India. But at the same time, they need money to maintain their standards. This is the easiest way, I guess”.
Fast forward to Tuesday night, the 2nd of December.
A friend of mine, an ardent ‘leaked pictures and video collector’

And then the speculations started. One guy came up with this theory. “They must have posed for a professional photographer, who in turn paid them money”. Initially, we thought that was absurd. Why would someone do that? Just to see them naked? Just to circulate their nude photos? Or worse, maybe a Mizo adult magazine is in the pipe line? But those were a bit too far fetched, we all thought. And then all of a sudden, the conversation I had with my friend a few months back flashed back in my mind. Maybe these girls were doing exactly that in order to earn a few quick extra bucks

To summarize Rev. Dr. F. Hrangkhuma’s words, there is a gross mismatch between the pace of our materialistic development and our state economy. Our worldly needs have swelled up several folds, sprinting fast ahead of a stagnant economy. Ironically, nobody gives a damn, and our priorities are all screwed up

And what’s the use of having so many "celebrities" when their profession itself isn’t supporting them? Are our ‘idols’ and ‘icons’ getting any benefit by being idols and icons? If not, then it’s just a burden for them and for the society as a whole, which is counter-productive. And what about our so-called ‘super models’? Are they getting any paid assignments where they earn enough so as to support themselves at least? Are we elevating our "celebrities" up to that level where they become a constant headache for their families? As I have mentioned earlier, the pressure on them to maintain their materialistic standards might even force them into the flesh trade.
And what about the rest of us? There are many things I would like to elaborate here, but so little time. So let me just add these lines - materialistic and worldly desire is the same factor which propels us forwards in sowing the seeds of corruption.
Nevertheless, I am not the sort of person who whines about past mistakes. For I believe that those mistakes were what made me who I am today - a better person. And I have the same hope for my land and its people. I hope that one day we will be able to strike a balance, make full use of our high literacy rate practically for bringing prosperity and reducing corruption to an insignificant level. And I do hope that someday, each one of us will get our priorities right

Dude, nice read!! And about that pic ur talking, i will be very interested in proving whether its real or not ;-) haha. U got a very constructive random thoughts here, i think ur mind isn't ideal. And i am second to Rev F Hrangkhuma's view. :D
With exams scheduled to be held in the first week of February, I have no other option but to start digging into my books again..
Yet you did think and write lots :)
And, this is such a good post.
Chuan, all the best, tun lo hi ka all the best toh tlat che in ka hria..hihi
Thundering typhoon!!! Even with your (second-best) 'memorizing mode' on, you can come up with such fantabulous post. It makes me wonder just what kind of post you'd come up with your 'thinking' mode on! Very realistic and thought provoking. Btw, all the best for your exam.
@Joseph : thanx buddy..about the pic, well, a 'nude picture analyst' has already proved that it's fake :D
@Toy_soldier : lolzz..a hma kha chu semester xam alom..
@Jinx : hehe..I myself was surprised when I finished writing..I really don't know, words just flowed :)
In medical science, the most effective way to learn things and remember them is to do as many practicals as possible and then refer to the books, NOT first read books and practise later,at least according to my experience. I also want you to try likewise and see by yourself the difference. Good luck for the upcoming exam.
In medical science, the most effective way to learn things and remember them is to do as many practicals as possible and then refer to the books, NOT first read books and practise later,at least according to my experience. I also want you to try likewise and see for yourself the difference. Good luck for the upcoming exam.
Your analysis of our social problem seems very sound. Materialism unlimited is one of our most widespread psychological diseases, i think.
Tha thin hle mai, hotupa :) khitiang thlak khi Sandman anen hian in nei thei riau mai..hehhehe..
Rev, Dr. F. Hrangkhuma lehkhabu/ article ziah hi ka chhiar chak khawp mai, ka ngaihven thin a, heta trang chuan hmuh a har khawp mai. A file ang chite a in thawn dan te awm se aw, hotupa :) Kan ram kristiana, lo luh dan, leh Zosap misawnari ten min kaihruai dan te contextualization lam atanga thlirna ah hian a tui viau in ka hria a. Ka chhiar chakkhawp ani thu ziak.
* thlalak tihna
@Pu Thiama : Thanx for the advice :) Will keep that in mind
@Pi Mesjay : Hey, nice to know that we are 'thinking' on the same lines :)
@Seki : Hehe..Sandman te chuan a nei leh daih tawh ang ka neih ve hma in :P
He lehkhabu hi a editor te zinga mi Pu Rinmawia (Rev K Lalrinmawia) Assam field secretary in sum tuak nan thalai ho min zawrh tir a, Rs 150 man lek..i duh chuan a la awm ang..mahse engtia inthawn chi nge ni ta ang? :)
Bro, what's the link? :-P
Yeah I agree, father_sphinx is an expert in finding out if such photographs are real or not... a bih vung vung a hnai tawk hian enge enge mawni lai te hi... lolzzzzzzz.
Chuanin, in kah dawn chuan In kah thu in notify ziah tur!!! Rawn luh chiaha han hmuh thut hi chuan a phut ve theih tho. Hmanni pawh Seki chuan a morph thiam zia a rawn show kha misual.com ah, a ma siam te hi an nih ka ring thlalak thenkhat ho chu :D
Exam dawn hnaih hi chuan tiang lampang ngaihtuah hi a awl tiraw thianpa? :-P
Goodness, even when you claim to be in a dazed exam-mode, you churn out something like this. Congratulations, buddy. Great read. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that personally, I think it's the best you've posted ;) Maybe because it's a topic that's really close to my heart, and u've been able to write about it so effectively.
You're right about regularly updating a blog being a bit of a burden. When it feels like work and not any more fun, then I make it a point to stay away from my blog for a few days or weeks.
Very best wishes for your exams.
Kar hmasa khan comment ka tum a, eng ti zia nge mawni comment-na ka hmu zo lo a, ka comment tawh lo mai ang... :)
e, kan comment leh si ang e, i exam a hnai bawk a, tha deuhin lehkha zir la, chuan i pass a ni mai.. Merry Christmas
@illusionaire : I forgot the link..sorry :P
Seki te chu a tih tawh apiang a mi ngan ni pha kha a ni tlat a, china lam atangin ka pic sawi pawh hi a siam a ni lo tih tunge sawi thei :D
@DDB : Thanx a lot..i think i should be sober more often :D
@varte : ka kut hlei lutukin HTML code (awmzia ka hriat mang loh lehnghal) ka khawih buai a, ka siam tha hman lawk bawk silova, pawi khawp mai.. :(
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